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This Halloween Party is Going to Be Spooktacular


Updated: Oct 23, 2022

Truman Charities is so excited to partner with the Fridge, whose Founder Mark Bucker recently appeared on our podcast. Our annual Halloween Event is happening on October 29 from 6-10 PM at Tommy Joes in Bethesda, MD. You can buy tickets and join in the festivities, which includes a costume contest with winners in individual, couple, and group categories. As with every Truman Charities Event, 100% of the proceeds will go to Feed the Fridge so that they can continue to do their great work.

Mark Bucker is on a Mission

Mark is the owner of the popular Medium Rare restaurants, with locations in Arlington, Bethesda, and Cleveland Park. When the pandemic hit, and kids were moved to virtual classrooms, suddenly school meals weren’t going to be available. Mark realized that he could do something about food insecurity for families living in the DC Area and help local restaurants stay in business at the same time. How? Feed the Fridge has set up freely accessible refrigerators outside key locations such as schools and rec centers where anyone can get a meal, any time, no questions asked. The meals are provided by local restaurants, and the money to pay for the meals is raised by Feed the Fridge. Like Truman Charities, and one of the reasons we really wanted to help the organization out is that 100% of the money raised goes to meals to stock the fridges.

According to Mark, it is so important to be a part of the solution to problems like food insecurity in a way that makes sense. Feed the Fridge consulted with an association of Pediatricians to get information on the right composition of protein, carbohydrate, and starch to sustain a person for 8 hours. He then challenged participating restaurant chefs to come up with quality meals that meet those criteria in tasty ways. Vegan meals, steak dinners, and India fare are among the choices that people have when they access the fridge. Mark was particularly moved to learn that Feed the Fridge is letting families eat dinner together – which doesn’t happen easily for people living with food insecurity.

The Halloween Party is a Fun Annual Event

According to Jamie Truman, co-founder of Truman Charities, "we are thrilled to work with Feed the Fridge and host the annual Halloween event because we are passionate about creating fun opportunities for people to come together have fun and support such great causes." Every year, this is one of the most popular events organized by Truman Charities, with a big crowd coming out to support a cause they know has been well-vetted as the real deal. Jamie, also the co-host of the event comments, “we were particularly happy that Feed the Fridge gives 100% of its proceeds to the cause.”

Participants can expect to have a wonderful time, and the costumes are always creative and entertaining. Guests and donors may be able to win some donated items, including a home-cooked meal for 10 by none other than Mark Bucher, who notes “I don’t even cook at home, but this is a lot of fun for me.” Stays in Florida and the Hard Rock are also going to be up for grabs. We hope you can make it. And if you can’t, please consider donating to this worthy cause.

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