Truman Charities is an all volunteer organization that operates on a belief that is our
co-founder Jerry Truman’s motto: “When good people come together, great things
happen.” Throughout the year, we plan and host a broad range of events to which
we invite our community of friends and neighbors to learn about and support
organizations doing good work. Our model is designed to make these events
positive and affirming for all of the participants, which is why every dollar raised
goes straight to the organization. Creating this bridge is our contribution and our
Every year, we host a signature event, our annual Halloween Bash at Tommy Joe’s
in downtown Bethesda. Mark your calendars for October 28 from 6-10 pm! Our
focus this year will be supporting Main Street. This Rockville-based nonprofit
organization brings together people with or without disabilities through affordable
housing and a membership-based community. It begins with its 70-unit affordable
apartment building that reserves 25% of its units for adults with special needs and
also houses the Soulfull Café, which employs people of all abilities.
Main Street membership, which currently stands at 280+, is open to residents and
non-residents. Members may enjoy 15 weekly social, cultural, educational and
wellness programs held in Main Street’s beautiful gathering spaces and out in the
community. From boxing classes to professional lunch and learns, the programs
enhance the lives, health and well-being of members and create connection and
belonging, which adults with special needs in particular often struggle to find. Main
Street programs are instrumental in building community and, this year, 100% of the
funds raised by our Truman Charities event will support these important programs.
Main Street also engages in education and advocacy to foster communities that are
welcoming to everyone, regardless of need or ability. The model at Main Street is
about changing lives and changing minds. For Truman Charities co-founder Jamie
Truman, the mission and efforts of Main Street epitomize the community-building
that Truman Charities wants to foster. According to Jamie, “Community should be
for everyone, and Main Street is a bridge to people with special needs.” In an
interview on The Truman Charities Podcast, A Community of Caring, founder Jillian
Copeland shared that Main Street is about empowerment and the power of giving.
Jillian believes that “when we have something to give to others - skills or talent or
even just kindness - really it just lifts people.”
Come and join the fun on October 28 while providing support to Main Street! The
Halloween party will feature a raffle and prizes for costumes, including group
costumes. We accept in-kind donations for the raffle. In addition to tickets,
sponsorships are available for one of the year's best parties. To learn about
sponsorship, buy tickets to the event, or to donate to this great cause, visit here.